Friday 5 January 2018

Facebook Customer Service; View your Facebook Timeline as someone else

Facebook at one end is a big source of opportunities for users to share their personal experience with the public; on the other end, it invites several privacy threats for a common user. Several times there comes the situation when the user wants to share his/her experience with friends via Facebook timeline sharing, on the same time he/she wants to restrict its visibility from his/her parents or close relatives. At this juncture, privacy rule decided by Facebook works amazingly by restricting a particular post to private, public or for the user only. You can go for any of the reliable Facebook Customer Service provider and get detailed information for the same.
Every user has a curiosity that how his/her timeline looks to others. Facebook itself provides an option for its users to check visibility of their Facebook timeline from their own.
For viewing your Facebook Page as someone else, you need to follow below mentioned steps:

        Open Facebook profile through browser and log into your account
        Click inverted triangle arrow that you will find at top -right corner of the window
        Choose a particular page and click the link with three dots to appear to drop down menu
        Now choose view as Page visitor
o    Here, you can view your page as same it will appear to the Facebook users.
For viewing your Profile as someone else, please go through below mentioned steps:
        Login your FB account via the main website
        Open your Facebook profile by clicking your name
o    Note: A user can also view his/her profile by clicking photo at top-centre of screen
        Now, likewise above previously defined step, click link with three dots
o    This link will be visible right next to the button, "View Activity Log" where a drop-down menu will appear
        Now, click the link “View As” and then click “View As Specific Person”.
        Write a name into the box and choose that friend from available search results.
However, via above mentioned are quite easy to be understood by a common Facebook user, still in case you are facing some technical issues, then feel free to contact our Facebook Customer Service via phone call.

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